Home Inspections Service for paint and timber coatings.

Non destructive coating inspections to determine if the correct number of coats of paint that you paid for were used, no more cutting into walls!

All paint has a natural life expectancy.

When paint failures occur, it may not be the paint itself that has caused the premature breakdown.

For independent investigation into paint issues including detailed paint inspections, collecting of required evidence and production of VCAT and Domestic Dispute or Court reports, call and talk to our Paint Consultant:  Lance,  on   0438 502 107


Red Means Lead!

One of the legacies for the paint work in buildings built before 1972 is that the paintwork, that is oil-based paints that that were used  on those building will contain lead and if there are paint failures then lead can most certainly be an issue.

Home inspections can help resolving those issues by removal or encapsulation, all that is needed is a paint inspection.

Paint inspections carried out using a lead testing kit that will provide an answer as to whether or not the enamel paint in your home contains lead.

The first picture the result of  a lead  test that proved positive, tip on the testing vial clearly shows that there is lead present the coating.

The second picture shows the area that the test was taken which was in this case exterior windows on a building built in 1960.

The problem here was that the existing paint system had failed exposing the lead laden oil-based paint underneath and when          re-coating was to take place it meant that sanding back all the way to remove the old and flaky paint would expose the lead paint and therefore safety issues that can occur.

Red means Lead, a simple test with a lead testing kit will confirm the presents of lead paint.

These external window frames were  tested and  lead based  paint was found to be present.

With proper processes the old paint can be removed without creating dangerous lead dust thus avoiding potential health risks to you or your children.

Next Steps…

If you live in the Melbourne metropolitan area or Regional Victoria, in order to discuss you requirements for the need of an inspection or to have a lead test and report carried out on your home simply ring 0438 502 107 and talk to Lance.